“When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world” Shai Reshef
The victorian legends
The past pupils of Victoria Park High have been active since 1940, when the school was founded. Traditionally, there were no formal reunions and the various class groups would organise their own get-togethers, mostly at different dates and times. The driving force behind this at the time was Marintha Du Preez – Tannie Dup.
The Class of ’85, under the leadership of Kurt van Onslen, Rob Jones and others, organised themselves a fantastic 25th reunion in 2010. The website was active and a basic constitution was drafted, subsequently the Victorian Legends Association was born.
Over the years, the association has been formalised, a new constitution proposed, a permanent committee from various years was formed and meetings were held where minutes were kept. The school recognised the new structure and the current chairman, now occupies a seat on the governing body. Sharon Atkinson (1982) and Mrs Tania Minnie were appointed as liaison between the Legends and the school.
The mission of the Victorian Legends is:
- To keep in contact with all past pupils of VP
- To organise and fund reunions for past pupils
- To support and assist the school in any way possible.
To this end, we organise annual reunions, whereby committee members liaises with class reps representing the different years, the Legends committee communicates with past pupils via regular newsletters, raises funds through various means one of which is old scholars paying yearly subs as well as participating in various projects around the school where possible.