English Home Language

Afrikaans or isiXhosa First Additional Language

Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy

Life Orientation

Physical Science

Life Science



Business Studies


Information Technology

Computer Applications Technology


Consumer Studies

Dramatic Arts

Music (Piano, Voice, Brass, woodwind, violin, guitar, drums)

Visual Art




GRADE 8 & 9

Subject Awards

1. Bronze: 80% for at least two learning areas

Silver : 80% in 5 to 7 learning areas and

Gold : 80% for at least 8 learning areas calculated over the whole year’s assessment.

2. Book prizes are awarded to the TOP TEN pupils.

3. Book prizes are awarded to those pupils who come First in each subject, provided that he/she qualifies for a subject award.

Academic Colours

1. A Scroll is awarded for an aggregate of 85% in the November exam.

2. An Academic Bursary is awarded to the TOP FIVE ACHIEVERS in Grade 8 and 9.


Subject Awards

1. Book prizes are awarded to the TOP TEN pupils.

2. Subject Awards, in the form of Merit Certificates will also be made. The minimum qualification for these awards in Grade 10 is 75%, maintained in both the June and November exams.

3. Book prizes are awarded to those pupils who come first in each subject, provided that the minimum average percentage is obtained.

Academic Colours

1. A Scroll is awarded for an aggregate of 70% – 74% in two exams.

2. Half Colours are awarded for an aggregate of 75% – 79% in two exams.

3. Full Colours are awarded for an aggregate of 80% and above in two exams.

4. An Academic Bursary is awarded to the TOP FIVE ACHIEVERS in Grade 10.



Subject Awards

1. Book prizes are awarded to the TOP TEN pupils.

2. Subject Awards, in the form of Merit Certificates will also be made. The minimum qualification for these awards in Grade 11 is 75% in Life Orientation and 70% in all other subjects, maintained in both the June and November exams.

3. Book prizes are awarded to those pupils who come First in each subject, provided that the minimum average percentage is obtained.

Academic Colours

1. A Scroll is awarded for an aggregate of 65% – 69% in two exams.

2. Half Colours are awarded for an aggregate of 70% – 74% in two exams.

3. Full Colours are awarded for an aggregate of 75% and above in two exams.

4. An Academic Bursary is awarded to the TOP FIVE ACHIEVERS in Grade 11.



1. Book Prizes/Vouchers are awarded to the Top Ten pupils.

2. Subject Awards, in the form of Merit Certificates will also be made. The minimum qualification for these awards in Grade 12 is 75% for Life Orientation and 70% in all other subjects, maintained over the June and September examinations.

3. Book Prizes/Vouchers are awarded to those pupils who come first in each subject, provided that the minimum average percentage is obtained.

4. Academic Scrolls are awarded to pupils who maintain an average of 65% in both examinations.

Academic Half Colours are awarded to pupils who maintain an average of 70% in both examinations.

Academic Full Colours are awarded to pupils who maintain an average of 75% and above in both examinations.

An Honours Blazer is awarded to pupils who maintain an average of 580 marks and above over three examinations.


Find below additional learning resources for pupils, as well as past exam papers. The resources are sorted into grade and subject, and are constantly updated as new resources become available.


All Grades

Past exam papers


Khan Academy

This free website contains short, simple video explanations of thousands of school topics. Maths and Science are particularly well covered. Click on Subjects at the top of the page, and search for what you need.


 How to study Maths

Studying maths is unlike studying other subjects.  Learning HOW to study maths will make a big difference to your results.



Dominate math and science.  Braingenie builds deep mastery and sharpens problem-solving skills. Learn, practice, and quiz yourself on 5,000+ skills. Compete in real-time multiplayer matches. Win badges and go for a top spot on the leaderboard. 



Summaries of setwork books, physics, chemistry, maths, biology, computer science and much more.



 Excel cleverness


Excel Easy

Tutorials and tips on Excel


Study skills

Time Management


Study skills

Stress Management



“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” Sydney J. Harris